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It's been one month since my mom died.

Mtn goat

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It's been a month since she died. I'm ok for most of my day, then a tsunami of memory, grief, sadness, anxiety, sobbing comes. I'm working from home-thank goodness- so atleast I'm going through this grief privately instead of at my office.  But I keep having these knee-jerk thoughts like I need to call her, to check in on her, even though I know she's gone. I'm just struggling very much and I miss her so badly.

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Having been a member of this forum for a little more than a month, I have learned that there are many who favor their fathers more than mothers, but there are those of us who had a strong maternal attachment and that loss is profound. After my own mother's passing, I read an article about someone who has come up with the term "motherloss": Since my loss of her, I have felt as though a major part of my own life has been amputated. It can be a struggle. Especially when they are old and/or ill, we get into the habit of being in contact with them and looking after them them. Then, when they are gone, we lose that, which only adds to the feeling of absence that we feel. Your loss is still recent and I hope, that as time passes, it becomes easier. Please accept my condolences for your loss and my wishes that you begin to find peace, in the near future.

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I know how you feel love. I lost my mom a few days ago. It just doesn't feel real. I get those feelings too, that I should call her or text her on Facebook messenger (thats all she ever used). It's awful, but just know, your mom loves you and is looking down at you from above ♡.

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I lost my Mom 2 weeks before Christmas 2020 from lung cancer, she was my mom, best friend and sister all in one and I feel like I lost 3 people in  my life.  We were extremely close, she had me at 17, she was 80 when she passed and I do consider myself very lucky to have had her in  my life for as long as I did.  I talked to her every day of much of my adult life, sometimes more than once a day and now I just feel lost.  I still can't believe she is gone, I keep expecting her to call, I keep going to pick up the phone to call her and realize I can't.  I just want to hear her voice, she was  my confidant and advisor on everything, she knew me better than I know myself.  I am having such a hard time, it does not  feel real, it does not feel like she is gone.  I miss her voice and her face and every day does not seem to get better, I seem to get more depressed and I don't know how to help myself.  

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