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Looking for an online tool/app that will help me cope with my grief


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Loss of a loved one is such a hard and painful experience...
I'm looking for an online tool/app that will help me cope with my grief.
Do you have any recommendations? Have you used any?

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Welcome.  Losing and grieving for the person we love most in the world is the hardest thing most of us will have to do.  This forum itself can be a very helpful place to be. 

You can search for specific topics, read threads, ask questions, and even just "talk." 

Can you be more specific about what kind of tool or app you are looking for to help you?  I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

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Thanks for the clarification.  I am on FB with a tiny friends group of actual family and friends.  I don't care for the amount of data mining and I am loathe to talk about my grief on such a public platform, so I'm afraid I can't help you there.

I know there are some excellent meditation apps and have friends who use them, but I don't know which ones.  I'll ask and get back to you with names if I can.

IMO, this is an excellent grief forum.  I know there have been a few others recommended by members here.  A search might help you find those.

I'm sorry I don't have more recommendations for you and hope you will stay here regardless of whatever else you find.

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Have you called Hospice and asked them if they know of a good online one?  My other site we have a professional grief counselor with tons of articles and she reads all of the posts and responds to the ones that need it.  You might try...griefhealing.com  Her name is Marty Tousley.  She used to work for Hospice of the Valley but after they made some cuts to their website she started her own.  I've learned so much from her over the years!  There's no charge although I donate monthly because I wholeheartedly and passionately support what she's doing.  I've donated here too but need to set it up regularly.

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