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Rock bottom


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Rock bottom is a very hard place to be. It sounds like you love your father very much and I am sure he feels the same. Our love does not go away. We carry that loved one with us in our hearts everyday.

When my Dad died someone gave me a card that says:

Those we love don’t go away.

They walk beside us everyday.

I imagine my parents walking beside me. Still being proud of me and wanting me to live my best life. I know that is what they would want for me and my siblings.

This grief journey is hard. Remember to be kind to yourself. We are here on this forum for you. You are not alone. Take care. 


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Dear Tbell,

I am so sorry for the raw pain that you feel.  I know it feels surreal and it’s an extremely difficult and sad time. I know for myself it was hard for the first two years. I cried an ocean of tears and hoped it wasn’t true and somehow my dad could come back. Please don’t give up hope. You are not alone and we are here for you. I hope you will consider talking to a grief counsellor or attending a support group. Thinking of you

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