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I realize this is a day most of us wish was already over, just hope you all can find some comfort f at all possible. covid makes it ever harder obviously but hopefully some kind of visit even if from the front porch, or even a phone call or videoconf will help.  Personally since my loss I've always wanted to skip from about Halloween to Easter (for this and other reasons). I wish I was a bear and I would hibernate but will settle for a movie-fest to pass the time. Wishing you whatever measure of peace or happiness you can somehow find.

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Thank you for the kind thoughts.  I have noticed an increase in the number of posts, so I think that everyone here is as miserable as I am.  This will be the 1st Christmas without my husband.  I have been watching classic holiday movies in an attempt to stay upbeat.  It is not helping.  My heart aches for want of his company.  To give him the biggest hug there is.  To smother him with kisses. All that is not going to happen and it is so very sad.  

I was going to type that it is the saddest thing on earth, but I know there are things far more terrible than my missing my husband.  People don't have food for there children.  People are fleeing war and oppressions.  As I type someone is losing their loved one, and their heart is broken.  

I am a lucky women.  I had a man who loved me for 46 years.  Now I have to honor his love by being alive, and to live like I mean it.

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What an admirable perspective, I applaud you for it. I try to remember that: there are people who would give anything to be as unlucky as I have been, people who are starving or in war zones etc (including children). Yet this day is.......let's just say I'm ready for spring. 

Merry Christmas all. Such as it is. 

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