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Anger has arrived


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For six months I've remained mostly mournful, despondent, lost, missing what once was.

Today for some reason I've suddenly felt an intense sense of anger, directed at the world in general.

I've been reading stories that make me wonder why humanity and our politicians can be so heartless.  One example:

"WaPo [the Washington Post] has been inundated w/ messages & calls from people on verge of losing their homes & cars & going hungry this holiday who are stunned that Trump & Congress cannot agree on another emergency aid package. Several broke down crying in phone interviews."

These "problems" can all be solved. But people refuse to work together to do so.

When I consider what I've lost, and that this is happening during what is sometimes called "the season of love", it makes me completely disillusioned with "humanity". With what I've lost, observing the rest of the world going mad has today flipped a switch and anger has flooded my being.


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Just try to remember it's not all people.  Some of us are caring.  (((hugs)))  I understand your anger, it's very common in early grief, I felt it too.

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I too feel anger well up inside me sometimes, not aimed any anyone in particular, just rage and bitterness. He was my fortress in which I could hide in our own private world, shielding me from the all the crap. No matter what was going on in the world we had our fortress. Humanity has been going down hill for awhile and sadly seems to keep spiraling downward...

I feel very exposed to all the hateful things in this sad world. I think when there is little joy in ones life the balance is off,  the negative feels dominating.

It seems like I am always pushing down the pain and loss, it bubbles up and I just can’t see anything worth while. They say it’s gets more tolerable down the road, I don’t see it happening yet, for me at least. I am grateful for everyone here.


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You're right on schedule, this is common. I was in out and out outrage... at the POS doctors we encountered, the medical profession and "system" in general and how poorly she was often treated, the alleged friends who disappeared quickly afterwards, but probably most of all at life/God/whatever, not just for taking her, but how much she suffered above and beyond just the sickness itself and oh btw losing her life. I could go on for quite some time in detail that I won't here but there were so many completely pointless things were beyond cruel. And this for the sweetest, most angelic person I've ever known who was so kind to others. Frankly I still am when I start thinking about it. I guess I'm not exactly punching a ticket to heaven. And please spare me the "bad things happen to good people" or other worthless platitudes. In fact I'm not looking for or asking and frankly don't want any "answers," just to the OP I can certainly relate. 

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I sympathize.  I feel anger and hatred at the GD COVID that kept me from my husband's bedside when he died.  I know it is not in my best interest to harbor so much hate and anger.  When it boils up I try to 'put it in a bubble' and let it float away.  Of course that sounds simplistic but anger takes so much energy.  I don't have enough energy.  Grief leeches so much out of my well being.  'They' say no one deserves to die alone but, that is exactly what happened to my beloved husband because of COVID.  I wish that virus was a person so I could punch it right in the face as hard as I could.

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19 hours ago, jmmosley53 said:

I wish that virus was a person so I could punch it right in the face as hard as I could.

I'd happily hold him down.

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