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Memories surround me


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I suppose I'm something of a minimalist. But she loved filling the house with vases, candles, framed art, framed photographs, etc. I used to tease her that she was going to be named Customer of the Year by the Vermont Country Store. Now, wherever I look, I'm surrounded by her decoration choices. I was going to pack some of it away in an effort to try to minimize the grief. But I can't bring myself to do so. It's all a reminder of her and of the small things that made her happy.

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Of course you should do whatever makes you comfortable when you are ready.  That being said, I humbly suggest that you get a box and place things in the box slowly.  If it is more painful it see it - put it in the box.  If it is a sweet memory leave it.  When the box is full store it somewhere for awhile in case you change your mind about something.  If in a long time you don't want anything in the box  you can dispose of the items as is appropriate.  Maybe giving family or friends little things they can treasure.

You are allowed to change your mind as often as you like.  There is no limit to taking things in/out of the box.

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52 minutes ago, jmmosley53 said:

You are allowed to change your mind as often as you like.  There is no limit to taking things in/out of the box.

Yes!  That goes for nearly everything.  If people think we're weird because of it, that's too darn bad.

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3 hours ago, foreverhis said:

If people think we're weird because of it, that's too darn bad.

Yeah. Grrrrrr.   :smile:


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