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here we go again


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well since 2018 ive lost 4 of my companion doggies and its rough 3boys and a girl have passed away one boy and the girl got some mysterious illness where they couldnt breathe but they were all old the two who got ill were 13 to 14 yrs old and the other 2 boys were 17 so I had them for long happy lives. but now my  companion buddy is turned 14 and getting old to the point of just laying around .

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if it makes him happy im good with it though. I just dont want to think about going through all the grief again I love this dog and dont want to lose him and go thru the heartache again . FMF dogs are so important to me and they get me thru the trials of my life as im sick and chronic. anyway I love all my pups past and present and have special bonds with each one of them. thank you for your dedication and love for me.

  • Moderators

Steve, I am so sorry.  It's the hardest thing in the world to go through, losing our beloved companions.  It's not uncommon for older dogs to just lay around the house, but if he's in pain, it is a different thing.  Do you know if he is?  I pray it's a good long while before you have to go through the heartache of kissing him goodbye.  :wub:

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no no pain hes full hes happy and spoiled

  • Moderators

Maybe he can live a long time yet!


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