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Not having time to grieve

Tiffany 422187

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Tiffany 422187


My grandfather just passed. To me it feels like the passing of a parent because he always filled that role in my life.

I'm not able to be at the service today and don't feel like I have support where I am. When I am caring for my children or at work I "box up" all of these feelings of grief, but when and how do I take the time to un-box them? At the moment I'm only sleeping a couple hours each night. How do people process loss while maintaining day to day responsibilities?

Thank you,


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Hi Tiffany,

I too have children too and it is really hard to find the time to just sit with your grief and process it. I have time to think, cry and reflect when driving to and from work and at night when the children are asleep. I often cry through the night when they are asleep. This is so heartbreaking. 

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Tiffany 422187

Hi Monty,

Thank you for sharing your experience. Knowing that others are having similar struggles make it feel a bit less lonely. 

I'll try to find a time that I can allow myself grieving time. 

Hope you have a good week,



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