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Sorry for all of the questions, seems like I'm always asking them. I find myself often thinking about things that I'd like to do or places that I'd like to go and I'll get briefly excited about the prospect and then almost immediately it is squelched by the thought of my wife no longer being able to go with me. Did this happen to you all? Does it go away after a while?

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Hello BBB

I have similar experiences.  I don't know if/when it goes away.  So much of what we used to do, longer seems fun.

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Oh absolutely, I find little joy in doing things anymore. 

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OH YEAH!  I think "joy" is a relative term...my big joy, George, is gone, but I practice the art of looking for the small joys in life, nothing too small or insignificant to count.  When I realize one, I grasp and embrace it, and hold it in the moment, for I need all that I can get!  I've been doing this since day 11 and it's helped me practicing living in the present moment, which also combats my anxiety.  It does not come naturally per sae, but with practice it comes more naturally.  That and taking one day at a time are the biggest helps I found after his death.

16 hours ago, jmmosley53 said:

So much of what we used to do, longer seems fun.

This part is true...going for a drive isn't the same, neither is cooking, although I have learned to value myself enough to make something special for just me, I am worth it.  Before I cooked because I loved making HIM happy!  And my hobby no longer holds the allure it used to.  I think those things come from a happy place and frankly, it's just not the same as it was with him.  With him I was VERY happy!


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