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My Cousins And My Uncle + Aunt


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I know this isn't really loss, but I feel grief from it. 


On Monday 2 days ago we found out my Uncle, and my Aunt and my 2 cousins were moving to Texas. I live in California, so, that's over 1,000 miles away. I have so many memories of them. I played video games with my cousins, I played with my uncle an aunt when I was little. I feel grief because my family won't see them for years. And I'm only ten. Last night at eleven-thirty, I was sitting in bed thinking about this, and before I knew it I started crying. And I cried for 15 minutes straight. Call me a baby if you want, but, I just miss them so much.


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Any form of change is a loss and a form of grief. I hope you will talk to your family about this and maybe you can arrange to visit them soon.


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