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Machindra, our only youngest brother ,......

you never know what tragedy life will bring on you..

At age of 21 my brother met with an road accident ....only fall from two wheeler made him unconscious and severe trauma...Don't know why God don't saves us from  accident.

so many questions ..not answered................

why he was the one...

why he was one who needed family most..

why he was one who was future of our mother ...

why he was one among his three elder sisters...

if god exists and he has to take someone..why he didn't choose among three sisters....

he was just 21 yr old young...he haven't seen world yet..

why why why.............why prayer didn't worked...

he was suffering 2.5 month in hospital in unconscious state....why we at least couldn't speak with him in his last days....

so many things remained now....

so many.............

we miss him so much.....that still heart cant accepts its real when brain says my brother is no more with us...........

Machhuuuu you left us incomplete forever.........love you so much..!!!!!





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