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In one's vows, it says til death do us part. I've never felt like I'm not still married. Do most feel like that here? What is your opinion on the bibles verses that state there is no marriage in heaven? Much of this is confusing to me as I feel my wife will always be my wife even through death.


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I have been raised to believe in eternal marriage.  I 100% believe this.  A widower friend of mine also believes this and he introduced me to Emanuel Swedenborg.  Do some research on him, it is very enlightening. 

I believe there is a reason we still feel married when others do not.  I think this is because we found our soul mate and we continue to be married not just here but also in heaven.  We also think of our souls never aging, only our bodies.  In my heart I still feel I’m 25 even though I’m technically 53. To me this “proves” my soul is eternal.

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Well, my husband and I left organized religion long ago, but kept our faith.  We did not believe in "until death do us part" except in that death would part us in this life on earth.  We had a private additional vow taken from the song "One Hand, One Heart," we both love from West Side Story (we're musicians and met in the theater so...): Even death won't part us now.  That's what I believe.  I do not care at all what any specific religious text says.  I have faith in our love and that my love and I will be reunited some day when it's my time.  I hang on to that thread of love on my worst days.

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I also feel married and think of myself as married.  That has not diminished at all in 3 1/2 years. 

I suspect it does have to do with my belief that John was "the one" for me. That we are soulmates. He is with me always, in every fiber of my being. 


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6 hours ago, BBB said:

In one's vows, it says til death do us part. I've never felt like I'm not still married. Do most feel like that here? What is your opinion on the bibles verses that state there is no marriage in heaven? Much of this is confusing to me as I feel my wife will always be my wife even through death.

Honestly, I wish they hadn't told us that...it is upsetting to most of us who do feel they were our soulmate.  I believe we will still know each other, have shared memories, and still feel love for each other, how could we not?  Marriage or not, we have that tight bond and nothing, not even death and all of the changes it brings, can change that. 

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