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I lost my father, im lost


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I lost my father last week, i dont know what to do, they said he tested positive for covid so im under quarantine and none od my family wants to risk getting exposed, the only person i have is my boyfriend, i dont know where to even begin coping or trying to move forward

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Thank you

Everyday that goes by it just seems like i think about new things we'll miss. I only had him back in my life for 3 years, and it never feels like enough no matter how i think of it. I can't even go back to his house right now, i know he wont be there and we'll never be able to work on something together again

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:58 PM, catacosta1 said:

I hear you. I want you to know that everything you are feeling is normal and valid.

I am currently staying in my father's house with my mother and my lovely cats. Everything has his fingerprints. Everywhere I look I am reminded of him, sometimes I breefly forget that he's gone and when I walk into a room and don't see him it trully breaks my heart all over again. 


These are my feelings too, its really heartbreaking. Gutwrenching. 

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I know what you are going through. I lost my dad 13 months ago on October 14th due to health issues. He was 80 years old. It first happened with him falling and breaking his left hip. His surgery was good. Mass general hospital treated him with antibiotics so he wouldn't get any infections and then he ended up getting very sick with pneumonia in both his lungs. He was a real fighter. He was known as my mentor. My hero. I looked up to him. I was as close to him as I could be. I loved him alot. I miss him alot too. I think about him every day. So I still haven't grief yet. Need grief counseling and grief groups on zoom. If you know of any can you please help me to get on it. I really need to start doing it so I can get better. Let my feelings out for once. No one to open up to about my inner feelings. Don't want to get sick inside from not letting my feelings out. Would appreciate the extra help. Support. God bless everyone. Take care. 

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