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Lost my dear uncle to covid


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I shared this from the heart and people read it but no one bothered to reply, not a word of comfort. well my uncle was  worth way more than that so i've taken my post down

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no one bothered to reply to me  even though they read it. not even a couple of  words of comfort, well my uncle was worth way more than that and so am i so  i've taken my post down

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I’m sorry no one responded till I am today. I hope you receive my sincere apology for no response. I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to Covid on July 13, 2020 and just had her memorial service on October 2,2020.  I would like to be here to listen if you’d like to talk

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Hi I do appreciate your kind message, I'm sorry, it was a quite rude of me to react as I did.  I know the forum can be very helpful, I found this when I lost my cat Fritz.  Looking at the date I posted, it must have been just after my Uncle died so I must have been feeling very sensitive and I guess because people had replied promptly before when I'd posted about my cat, I therefore expected it to happen on this section of the site so was taken aback.

It's very kind of you to think of me and to take the trouble to reply, it does help and it is a comfort.  It was hard at the time, so many ups and downs during his time in hospital, he had had to go in for his heart and hadn't been responding to  that treatment but then at the 11th hour he started to get better, and we had been planning to welcome him home for his 90th birthday, but then he caught covid in hospital and again wasn't too ill but then deteriorated and sadly died from that, so of course it felt like it 'shouldn't have happened' and that it wasn't fair.  The medical staff did seem to really care but they couldn't save him it seemed.  He died five days short of his 90thbirthday, but we took cards in for him in hospital, so at least he got the pleasure of  seeing them even if he didn't quite make the day.  I know he was so lucky to live such a long life in relative good health.  He had difficulties with his heart in recent years but still managed to live a fulfilling life.

But I'm ok.  I'm so very sorry that you lost your Mom to this disease, such a close relative, I would imagine it must be very hard indeed.  Likewise if you'd like to talk about it I'd be very glad to listen.  It is still obviously very recent for you, and only a few days since your mom's memorial service.  I don't know whether or not it would help you to talk further about your Mom, if it would I'd be very glad to learn more about her but of course it's fine if not.

I had a lot of involvement in planning the funeral for my Uncle, everyone concerned was very kind and it felt an honour to be part of  the preparations for his service, which was on 5th August.  We are now preparing to arrange a date for the burial of his ashes, and also I intend to  attend a service in November which his local church hold once a year to remember all those who have died in the previous  year.  He was a very kind Uncle!

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness in replying to me and wishing you every comfort in coping with your loss.

I have also lost a parent, my Dad, it happened last November, so perhaps I can empathise a little with your situation, but of course so much harder that your Mom died from Covid.

Take care and sending you my best wishes J







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I’m so glad you had the support from your family. I have a brother and sister but there have been a lot of family issues. Neither one attended my moms memorial service which was very upsetting to me and if my mom knew would be extremely hurtful to her. I have lost my mom and now realizing I have lost any relationship with my brother and sister. I need to figure how to be ok with this and move on. My sister and I have never really been close but my brother used to be my best friend. The only comfort I have is that I hope my mom is in a peaceful place with God and does not need to see or feel the chaos with the family anymore.

 Thank you for letting me text.

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