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First Father's Day with out my Husband


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This is my first Father's Day without my husband and I don't know what to do.  I asked my kids and they all looked at me blankly.  I don't want to force them to do anything but I don't want them to want to do something and feel like they couldn't.  He was the father of my children so I want to honour him because I loved him and I miss him.  Suggestions?

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It's hard for me because I lost George on Father's Day, June 19 2005 (he was my kids' stepfather) and they always naturally spend the day with their dad so I have no one with me on the deathiversaries since, friends are always busy with their own Father's Day.  You might try honoring him by fixing his favorite meal and eating it in his memory.  If it's not too painful, maybe each of you sharing something funny you remember about him, also sharing something you love the most about him, it can be healing, esp. if shared.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers come Sunday.

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This our first Father’s Day without my husband too.  My daughter is going to a local amusement park with her friend’s family.  I am taking my niece out to lunch with her dad.   We are going to go clothes shopping too.   Sunday night I am going to binge watch something mindless.  

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@jwahlquist You have thought about this and made decisive plans, and that is good.  It's good to know how you are going to spend the day, to have a plan.  I will go to church but everyone is busy with their own families so I have no one to spend it with...it was not only 15 years ago today that I lost him, but it was also Father's Day so both seem a deathiversary.  That I have to go through it alone every year is hard.  I wish I had the support of my family to go through it with, but alas that is not availed to me.

I hope Father's Day goes well for you, in spite of how hard the day will naturally be with his absence.  Good for you for having a plan in place!

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17 hours ago, KayC said:

I wish I had the support of my family to go through it with, but alas that is not availed to me.

I wish that you did too.  I just wanted to keep busy and not think about what we would have been doing.  

My husband loves golf and probably would have gone either golfing or fishing with our daughter.  I would have fixed him something he wanted for dinner and bought him a case of the “fancy” beer he liked.  

Here’s my something funny......

We watched the tv show SWAT together every week.  After the intro of the episode finished the show played the theme song.  My husband had this funny dance he did every time it played.  

Here’s what I miss the most.....

I miss spending time with him & laughing at his silliness.  He had a great sense of humor and wasn’t afraid to be silly/weird to make me or our daughter laugh   


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Got bit by a chow yesterday, in a lot of pain/trauma, icing my hand, went to doctor 100 mile round trip, hard typing, kind of changed my weekend...

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@KayC oh nooooo, that’s is terrible, please rest and heal up, sending prayers. On top of your injury you had to drive that far to get medical attention! I am so sorry, please take care of yourself.

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His mom drove me...right now my heart is in worse pain than my hand, although I think I have nerve damage, hand and wrist very swollen.

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