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Three months since mom passed away


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As I sit to write this I'm not even sure what to write. It's been three months since my mother passed away and I'm not sure what's going on with me. I think I am trying to be a support centre for my dad and my sister and not show them that I am also going through the same things as they are. But when I'm alone I suddenly burst into tears remembering her. However most of the times I am okay, working/cracking jokes with friends/moving around like nothing happened. And these are times that it hits me the most! What am I doing? My mother my everything is not there anymore and I'm here having the fun of my life! How can I do that! She was struggling with cancer for most of the last year and probably I had accepted that this would happen and it was only a question of when will it happen. Is that why I am calm most of the times? But I don't want to! I also regret not spending enough time with her when she was on bed because I couldn't see her suffering and often would slip away from house for long hours. I am clueless as to what's happening! I feel like **** for whatever happened to her and I don't know but I blame myself for that. 

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Dear Sodes,

I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your mom three months ago. Please don't be hard on yourself. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. It's okay to be happy one moment and then sad the next and that is all part of grief and mourning. What you are feeling and thinking is very normal. I too felt regret and guilt about my own behavior and the time leading up to my father's passing. 

I'm not sure if you want to but maybe consider talking to a grief counselor or reaching out, there are many programs through church or in the community. I also found these websites helpful in understanding my grief.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Thinking of you.

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