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My father was killed March 15 2019. He was riding his motorcycle and a lady went over into his lane and she hit him head on and dragged his body down the road. This woman never went to jail. She got to go back to her family. How does someone not go to jail. How to they go back to work like nothing happened. We go to court next month for her sentencing. A misdemeanor charge. How someone died. Everyone tells me you need to move on. Well I can't I wake up thinking about, I think about it all day and I can't remember the last time I slept all night. I feel broken 

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Dear Pickle,

I"m sorry for your deep pain and sorrow. I know you want justice for your beloved dad. I'm with you and I don't understand how the justice system works. I would hope there would be more serious charges. 

I hope you are getting enough support through victim services or through church or the community. It's really hard when everyone around you wants to move on. I think they only say that because they are uncomfortable and don't know what to say or do to help. I"m sure they care in their own way, but keep looking for another form of support.

Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

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