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I lost my mother 14 years ago


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When I was 2 I lost my mother to a car accident and my father left shortly after leaving me to be raised by my aunt on my mom's side, and I figured I'd say it here, because I don't know what these emotions I'm feeling are, and it honestly makes me feel weird at times, like I'm being to cold or I'm being to detached from everything, sometimes it just hurts and other times I'm just to numb to the feeling of it, that I'm lost, I don't know if it's ptsd or some fear of the car, but I'm 16 and I still can't be comfortable In the car.

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Dear Sam,

I'm sorry to hear you lost your mother so young. That is very painful and it is only natural to have some fears of about being in a car given how she passed. Please know its okay to have these feelings and to be able to talk about it. 

If you want to maybe consider talking to a school counselor or connecting with a therapist. There are many resources in the community and hopefully you can find the right supports.

I found this website with more articles that hopefully will help. Please take care.



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