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Almost a year since mom died


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This year has been very hard for me. It’s getting harder by the day. Our landlord keeps bullying and threatening me. She says I should be dead, not my mom. I can’t press charges because the chief of the police is her first cousin. I’m also very physically sick and mentally sick. My therapist is once a week. My psychiatrist is once a month. I want my mom back. She’s my best friend. I’ve been wishing COVID19 would get me so I can be with mom. I’m sorry.



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Dear Retrodee412,

I'm sorry to hear what a difficult time you've been going through. Losing a parent is one of life's hardest things. 

Please know you are not alone. We are all here together. And there are also many supports in the community and online. I found these websites helpful to me.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Please don't be sorry, we all need a place to express our feelings.  Thinking of you. 

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I dont think you will have much case but it depends on the place where you reside (even if chief of police is not her cousin), probably at most harrassment but you need to be rich. Well that's how the way works.

I know how you feel because I lost my mum too. 

In fact I can understand what you mean by hoping to get sick/COVID-19, I do feel that way.

Do you have things or activities that can help distract you? Like reading, playing games (sorry not sure about your age), working or doing crafts... or talking to a friend? Perhaps you can grow some plants or start a new hobby or learn something new.

I know it's very tough, bouts of guilt and sadness and anger hits me now and then too, I hope you stay calm and be well...

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I am so sorry for your loss. . I am trying to get a small group of people together so we can talk about our recent loss, and maybe try to help each other. I need you to email me directly to let me know if you’re interested so then I can get back to you and let you know what time I could set up the meeting 

I think this would be great for all of us  my email is deborahmomof2@gmail.com



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I am so sorry for your loss. . I am trying to get a small group of people together so we can talk about our recent loss, and maybe try to help each other. I need you to email me directly to let me know if you’re interested so then I can get back to you and let you know what time I could set up the meeting 
I think this would be great for all of us  my email is deborahmomof2@gmail.com

I’m Retrodee412@icloud.com

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