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Lost my Wonderful Girlfriend


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I apologize for my grammar. 


Today I got a call in the early morning from my partner's brother. He told me she passed away when her lung collapsed in the hospital and her heart failed. It was so surprising to me. My partner was suffering from a joint disorder all her life. When I met her last year she was contemplating suicide because the pain was too much to bare. She started having trouble walking. We clicked so well and all I can think is I need to make this person happy no matter what. She wanted me happy as well but I constantly told her she already makes me happy the way she is. About a couple weeks back she had something lodged in her lung and got surgery at a hospital. Fastfoward to another week and her lung collapsed and she was again in the hospital. I visited her daily and she was so happy to see me even with the corona going around I didn't care.. I made sure I was safe and she was safe. She told me in her final days how much she missed home and just wanted to see her mom again. We are both in our early 20s I should say both of us turning 20. We already wanted to get engaged one day and we talked about the wonderful things we would do together in our own house. She said there were some medical issues but for me not to worry about it a night ago on the phone. Later when I got the call from her brother he told me she knew she was in serious critical condition and was possibly going to die. I knew why she didn't want to tell me the truth about her condition. She just wanted to be loved, she always was so sad that people looked at her health and that's why she got support. She didn't want me to be sad and worry in her last days. She just wanted to be loved. 


Everyday she went through physical pain but she told me that I was able to give her peace through the pain. Now she can finally be at peace fully. This earth gave her a disorder that tormented her and now she is free from those shackles. I love you Elspeth. I'll try to stay strong for you so one day when my time comes we can be at peace together. 

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I am sorry for your loss.  It is so hard especially when it is unexpected.  Life can be so horribly unfair sometimes.   

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Sorry for your loss, I appreciate that you can see the peace from the pain. Very hard to to see light in death sometimes. Glad you found this site, we are all on a grief journey, We try to help each other as best we can.

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I am so sorry for your loss, it's a hard thing to absorb...in the early days it's hard to think straight for the fog.  You gave her love and peace, what she wanted most.  Wishing you comfort and peace...

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