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Miss my Mom and Dad

Anne B.

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My parents passed away 1 1/2 years apart.  First my father passed and then 1 1/2 years later my mother passed.  It's been a few months since my mother's passing and I feel alone.  It's hard for me to deal with stressful situations now that they are gone.

My parents were the best people.  Everyone that met them liked them.  They made everyone feel comfortable just by talking to them and listening.  They were also interesting.  When I needed support, I could always turn to them.

Some days are better than others but when something stressful happens I feel isolated, like I have nowhere to turn.  I know the support that I had is gone and it isn't coming back and that is what makes it so hard.  Miss them so much.  Hoping in time I'll be able to move on without feeling so alone.  Thank you for listening.

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Hey Anne,

Im am sorry for your loss. I know how it is like.. I lost both my parents in my mid 20's now im 28. It isnt so long ago. 2 years dad, 4 years mom.

It's hard. Im doing good now thought with it. You will become stronger and im sure your parents will be proud.

What is are your two biggest struggles?


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I understand. My mother raised us alone and she was always my safety net and it freaks me out she's gone. It's only been a month. I feel your pain and you are not alone.

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Dear Anne,

I am so sorry for your loss. It is terribly lonely to lose the two most beloved people in your life. Parents serve as our anchor and none of us can imagine a world without them.

Take your time and keep doing the best you can. Maybe consider seeking out supports in the community or through church. There are many different online options as well. I found these websites helped and offered a lot of comfort.

What's Your Grief

Grief in Common

Grief Healing Blog

Grief Recovery Method

Thinking of you.

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