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Loss of Dad


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Hi. I would like to ask if it's ever possible to get over your dad's death.. for me, it is going to be 2 years since my dad lost the battle with cancer. However, I don't see the sadness fading as time passes... How do I go on with life? I feel that I'm an empty shell trudging through the motions each day, and I'm losing focus in everything, including my studies. I'm fearful that I'm not fulfilling my responsibilities yet detached as I feel like I can't care less anymore... And I'm afraid of letting my mum down... But she wouldn't understand my feelings cause the way she misses my dad is different from mine..

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I'm no expert, as I've just only lost my mom a couple a months ago, but I don't think you do get over the death of a parent. I lost my mom at the age of 27 and I think I will always feel like I was gipped years and years of having a mom. But when you realize you won't get over it and really accept that they're gone forever, it's a little bit easier. I just think missing my mom will be a part of me forever, just like she's a part of me forever. Some days I'm totally devastated, some days I feel lucky that she made me such a strong person. I don't think there is any timeline on when things get less difficult, but I do think the more you face the pain, the more the weight of it will ease.

How do you go on with life? You just do. You miss your dad every day, you feel empty and hopeless and devastated until one day it starts to lighten, and then maybe (I'm hoping!!), you start to feel less empty and hopeless and devastated. I have friends that lost a parent 10+ years ago and they tell me that sad feeling is still with them, though it doesn't consume them the way they used to. You are not alone...losing a parent is so different than losing a spouse, so while your mom might not understand, there are others that might and it can really help to talk with those of us that have and are experiencing similar losses. I'm really sorry for what you are going through. I understand how much it sucks, believe me, and so does everyone else here.

Hi. I would like to ask if it's ever possible to get over your dad's death.. for me, it is going to be 2 years since my dad lost the battle with cancer. However, I don't see the sadness fading as time passes... How do I go on with life? I feel that I'm an empty shell trudging through the motions each day, and I'm losing focus in everything, including my studies. I'm fearful that I'm not fulfilling my responsibilities yet detached as I feel like I can't care less anymore... And I'm afraid of letting my mum down... But she wouldn't understand my feelings cause the way she misses my dad is different from mine..

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I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my Father two weeks ago today...I'm having a hard time getting through the day. I am writing you because I have two sons from my first marriage, their father passed away in Nov. of 2008 from cancer. My youngest son is the type that tries to hide his emotions and is trying to be here for me now. My oldest is a lot like you, it is still so fresh in his mind and heart! He is very open with his pain and grieving..he is on anti-depressants, anxiety meds. and has been to grief couseling. He is 23 and a music major in college, he finds it hard to make it through each day. You are not alone is all I can tell you, my heart breaks for you just as it does my own children. I hope that all of you can find some sort of closure, myself included.


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