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Always My Dolly


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Dolly my Love of 40 years - Every day, I miss you,  I talk to you, I write to you, and  Every day, I pray for you. I shall never forget you  and I will always Love you deep from within my broken heart so long as I live.   God grant you eternal rest Sweetheart - Kenny -

Dolly in Elyria Closeup.jpg

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She's beautiful.  I wish we had them with us now instead of missing them and having to wait for that day we are together again.

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6 minutes ago, KayC said:

She's beteautiful.  I wish we had them with us now instead of missing them and having to wait for that day we are together again.

Thank you KayC -And I echo your feelings about having to wait to see them again. I am ready to, right this second.  God bless !

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Your Dolly is lovely and has such a rich full smile.  In this case, I think it's safe to say that I know how you feel without her.  I cannot wait for the day I am reunited with my beloved husband. 

I've told him more than once that I can live for now to make sure our granddaughter finishes growing up knowing that her adored and adoring grandpa would never have left us on purpose.  It's up to me to tell her his and our stories and keep him alive for her.  I tell my love that once she's grown up, he needs to come get me to be with him again, to be home again.  I hope he can hear me and that he will be there waiting with open heart and open arms when it's my time. 

I am certain that one day down the road, you and Dolly will be together again forever.

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15 hours ago, foreverhis said:

I hope he can hear me and that he will be there waiting with open heart and open arms when it's my time. 

They are as eager to be with us as we are with them, of that I am sure.  We were inseparable.  I doubt the waiting is as hard for them as time is no more, it seems but a second to them, to us it's long and drawn out, this waiting.  The last time I had someone fully understand me and get me...it was George...nearly 15 years ago.  How did my mom stand 32 years of this?!  Ahh but I was widowed much younger than her...

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Our loved ones are all around us, and I have come to believe that, yes, they can hear us. When I am facing a difficult  situation, I always ask Dolly to help me. And believe me, I do get help. Your George can also hear you. Never give up the faith you have with him. And you make a good point, about them missing us as we miss them. Peace be with you.

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10 hours ago, ksiemb said:

Our loved ones are all around us,

I believe that too.  I'm not sure how or when, exactly, but there have been too many coincidences for them to be, well, coincidences. 

I wrote this 2 months after my husband died.  Here's the back story: There was this one dove who would sit on the wires behind our house and coo-coo-coo all day.  My husband would joke, "Poor guy.  I guess he can't find a date." and I'd call over, "Dude, give it up already."  Then we'd chuckle.  We absolutely love the sound of mourning doves, especially because they remind us of our precious mornings the times we were able to visit Hawai'i.




I found a feather again today

Our favorite dove lost it

or left it for me


The first, two days after

when I could barely breathe

On the pavers, by the doorway

untouched by wind, waiting


The second, two weeks after

when I was lost and hopeless

On the hot tub, by the berries

fluttering just a little


Today, two months after

when I cried for your uncle’s passing

On the pebbles, by the mailbox

dancing, strong and light


Was it you?


When I found that third feather, this poem came into my head as one complete thought.  That rarely happens.  I went inside, let it pour out, and haven't changed a word.

Several months ago, I was talking with a newer friend of mine who lost her daughter at birth years ago.  She and her husband "get" grief and have been incredibly supportive and kind in exactly the right way.  We had decided, based on some eerie coincidences, that her daughter and my husband had somehow found each other.  She said that the image of my love, who she knows as a good and loving man and grandpa, caring for her girl now gave her real comfort.  That afternoon, I walked out the back door into our small garden and discovered two perfect dove feathers, one full size and one from a fledgling, sitting together in the sun.  Then recently, another neighbor friend, a woodworker like my husband, was realigning our front gate and putting new hinges on it.  As I stood there handing over tools and holding screws, I said something like, "At least I can still be the helper."  I looked down and saw another perfect adult dove feather that I swear to goodness had not been there earlier in the day.

I believe my love is sending me small messages from time to time.  Even if it's just wishful thinking, those feathers give me hope and help buoy my faith in the universal good all around us.

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That is beautiful, I'm glad you get those signs.  They are important because they encourage us.

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