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Two years without You


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It's been two agonizing years without you my beautiful Dolly. You will always be missed, and you will always be my "Dream Angel"   Always yours, Kenny

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Thank you Kayc - U R always so nice ! Sometimes I think I post too much, but I just miss my Wife so very much after having had her with me for nearly 40 years.

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On 12/7/2019 at 6:59 AM, ksiemb said:

Sometimes I think I post too much, but I just miss my Wife so very much after having had her with me for nearly 40 years.

Of course you do!  We get more used to it with time...much time, but always we miss them and I know my life would be so different had he not died.

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Don't worry about posting too much.  When I post, it's really something I just have to say or share or I feel like I'm going to burst.  I think the love and devotion you have for your wife is so wonderful.  40 years is a long time and yet, not long enough. 

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3 months ago i lost my close friend to cancer , so i get it, your loss is magnitudes worse 

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On 12/7/2019 at 9:02 AM, ksiemb said:

 You will always be missed, and you will always be my "Dream Angel"   

Yes, always and forever


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I lost my boyfriend of eighteen years to stage 4 colon cancer. I miss him everyday. We lived together too. He was my first real boyfriend. He was only 57. I want to date again. I hate being alone and single. It sucks. I am 59 so I am not getting any younger. And I don't want to grow old alone. I still have alot of love to give someone. The past still haunts me from time to time. I can't bring back my boyfriend. I don't deserve to be alone. My boyfriend died on February 23rd, 2018. It was the worst day of my life and last year before I started seeing a grief counselor I was emotionally broken. I was not prepared for his sudden illness and death. He died less than two months later after he was diagnosed with cancer. I think my boyfriend would want me to be happy. 

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6 hours ago, catfan2 said:

I don't deserve to be alone.

I hope you find what you are looking for.

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@catfan2 i lost my close friend Ian , to rhabdomyoscarcoma (rare) . Ian was only 19 , we were friends since the first day of 7th grade .its been 3 months .

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On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 2:01 AM, catfan2 said:

I want to date again. I hate being alone and single

What is stopping you?  It sounds like you have already made that decision.  It has to be your decision and you shouldn't look for permission from others.  Some will give it and others will chastise you for it.  I can't give you any advice in this area.  I have no desire to date or be with any other man at this time.  I don't know if I ever will but I understand not all people are built the same and you need to do what will make you happy in your life. 

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If you want to date, that's your choice. I dont judge anyone who chooses to move on. However, I do not think it is wise to rush into a relationship just because you are trying to escape your grief or trying to "get over" your departed one. 


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It's been almost two years since she lost her BF, and she's had counseling, only she can determine if it's too soon or not.  If you've done your grief work and aren't trying to avoid it, there's nothing wrong with putting yourself out there.  Not sure "moving on" is an apt term even with dating after loss, we never "move on" from them, they're forever in our hearts.  But no one can fault you for wanting to have someone in your life.  

My son recently brought me a puppy.  I'm not "over Arlie," I will never be over him, he will always be number one of all the pets I've had, he was "the one" and my heart still aches for him.  But this little puppy is also bringing me joy, even though he's very different from Arlie.  I had been considering never getting another dog, but this little guy will be a good companion for many years...I just have a lot to teach him meanwhile.  

With a husband it's more complicated.  George and I related to each other and communicated so well, we FELT each other, our bond was incredible, I've never had a love like that before or since and it's been 14 1/2 years since he died.  I imagine I'll be alone the rest of my life.  I don't particularly like dating or doing what I'd have to do to find someone and I know it'd never be the same, it's just easier to go it alone, but I've seen people find love in their 80s so who knows what the future holds, I just kind of doubt it will happen for me.  ;)

Good luck to you, @catfan2.  It might be good if you met widowers who would "get it."  I have a friend who remarried and he doesn't let her display her late husband's picture, even though she still had kids growing up and he doesn't want her to talk about him...that's a hard cross to bear, that's why it might be good if you met someone who understood and wouldn't push you to "forget him."

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