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Coming up on 4 years and still in shock


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As I sit here writing this I cant believe it's been almost 4 years. People say time is a great healer. What a croc! I miss my amazing mam more than ever and would do absolutely anything to have her back... [emoji26] she was absolutely everything to me - my whole life. No one understands how I'm feeling in my family - no one. I have 2 great and close friends who I can relate and talk to. As one of my friends has also lost her own mother. But I dont want to burden them with my grief and problems. I still haven't grieved as I've had to take care of my soon to be 8 year old son. He is my world but by God losing someone is SO much harder when you have a child to care for.... my husband is head chef in his job and only gets 2 days off a week and just plays xbox on his days off. I do everything around the house etc... I'm gonna go down to my mam on monday and spend some time with her alone - by myself but if my dad finds out then it'll be a1000 questions and I shouldn't have to answer to him.... I just dont want to be here anymore.... my 2 friends are arguinging with each other and I'm stuck in the middle and it sucks.... FB_IMG_3022507111455028147.thumb.jpeg.2252f19dca5b673da8fc389d60429296.jpeg


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Dear Marie,

I'm sorry to hear about the pain you are feeling and things going on. It's hard not feel supported during one of the saddest moments in life. You are right in saying that people in our lives don't understand. Sorry to hear your two closest friends are also arguing. Have you considered going to counselling? Or joining a support group in the community? It's hard to reach out but keep trying and do the best you can for yourself and your son.

Thinking of you.

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