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I don't know what happened to my son


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Hi everyone

My son went missing almost three years ago after a night out. after being missing for six weeks his body was found washed up on a nearby beach. He was 18. Because he had been in the water for six weeks cause of death was unacertained. I am finding this very hard to deal with. he was found fully clothed and we know he didnt take his own life. i cant help feeling someone else was responsible for his death although there is no evidence of anything. i worry all the time that he is ok and i'm finding it very hard to move on. i have three other children, craig was my third child and my depression is having an effect on them. i take the date he went missing as his anniversary rather than the date he was found as that was the last time i saw him. has anyone else had this experience and can offer me words of advice.

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Missing Craig,

So sorry for your loss, we are here to offer what we think and you can take this advise and do what you want with it.

Depression is an ugly thing. I have been struggling with it for 21 years. 3 years after our child's death may be sufficient time for us to have some idea where our "new life" is headed. We should be getting to know who we have become, because of the tragedy.

Professional help can give you coping skills to deal with depression. I have done it and it helped me. I am 2 years 10 months down the grief journey and I am getting to know who I have become. In fact - We just met (HAHA)

Love to you and do what is in your heart.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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thanks for replying shorty 16. I am sorry for your loss. it sounds as if you lost your son around the same time as i lost Craig, , 8 May 2008. I am going to see the doctor this afternoon to see what help i can get. i will keep you posted. It is good to be able to share feelings on this site with others who know what your going through

Love Bridie

Missing Craig,

So sorry for your loss, we are here to offer what we think and you can take this advise and do what you want with it.

Depression is an ugly thing. I have been struggling with it for 21 years. 3 years after our child's death may be sufficient time for us to have some idea where our "new life" is headed. We should be getting to know who we have become, because of the tragedy.

Professional help can give you coping skills to deal with depression. I have done it and it helped me. I am 2 years 10 months down the grief journey and I am getting to know who I have become. In fact - We just met (HAHA)

Love to you and do what is in your heart.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Hi Bridie

I am so very sorry for the pain caused by the loss of your son Craig. I lost my only child, Stephen nearly 4 years ago and I am so grateful that I found this site a year after. Coming here, sharing my pain, my sadness, sharing small happy stories of memories and pictures has helped me stay sane and find some level of peace. I do hope your visit to the Doctor helped. I would love to hear more about Craig his likes his loves, how his voice and laugh sounded and when you can please visit our Gallery and post some pictures of your wonderful child.

Glad you found us . Your posting appeared on a portion of the message Board few visit. Please go to the "Loss of Adult Child" section on the Board and click on add reply when you post your next message. Then you will receive an abundent welcome from many other parents who are walking this road.

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