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I miss my mum

Baby jane

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My mum passed away 3 weeks ago come Thursday and today it has just really hit me. It’s so painful. I just don’t see how I will learn to live without my mum. It’s just seems so huge. 

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Dear Baby Jane,

My deepest sympathies and condolences on your loss. I am very sorry. It is terribly had to comprehend how we can be on this earth without our beloved parents. The grief makes all so  raw. Take your time and be kind and gentle to yourself. And if you want to, consider grief counselling or a support group in the community or through church.

Please know we are all with you. Thinking of you.

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Dear Baby Jane and Coco, sorry for your loss. Im also feeling the loss even tho it's been a year.

Time flies, but I cant say Im no longer feeling the pain, just that it's dulled. Find some people to confide in and seek professional help if you must. Try to get back to work, studies and some hobbies, it will help, at least a little

Thinking of you all and everyone else who have experienced loss

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Dear BabyJane

My deepest condolences on the loss of your mother. Words cannot express the pain we feel when these tragedies visit our lives. And it is well known that the display ,and the feelings of grieve can be delayed. I hope deeply that you can be healed from the great lost you must feel at this time.

What has helped many people is the words from the great man,Jesus, who said " I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life."

Can you imagine it? Jesus promised that he will bring back to life those who believe in him.

But Can this really happen? Some may initially feel that it is unrealistic to believe this.

But what if it is true? 

I invite you and all who have been ripped apart from our loved ones so tragically to examine this and other Bible truths that bring real hope to our lives.




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