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This is for Dylan Z


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Hi Dylan,

sooooo sooooo sorry about your mistreses' suicide and how aweful for you to be the one to find her !

ive lost three sons and one to suiced.   And Dylan, if greif loss coukd be compared fir me i know suicdes the worst of the worst cause it leaves us behind with questions that can never be ansered by the one who died

i cant make things easiers for you as one must walk thru the greif but ine thing incan say is alllllll your feelings and thoughts and even actions are ALL PERFEctly  NORMAL HUMAN RESPOnses  to a abnormal loss

i care and im here.

be gentel  with urself    

One thing i lerned and have to be remonded of is this      We have no power iver life and death     Ti me thats the battel  to let go of feeling   Thinking its our faukt ir that we coukd    Shoukda   Woukda  said dine ect something to keep our loved one from dieing    It was their choise   And the choice cane from amind that lied to them    Its not normal for us to cause our iwn deaths


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I am so sorry for all of your losses, that seems beyond what anyone should have to bear.  My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go with you.

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Kay C

thankx sooo much.  I actually know it’s God who has kept me alive.  Even tho. U know my normal human responses of all the emoting when a mother experiences her worst nightmare come tru      One of the hardest things I’ve and still do deal with is my husband and his family’s total inability to know how to minister to anyone who is not bliss my sons are mine.     But when my youngest son recently died I’ve had loving support in word and deed I’ve never had before. And now I know what I’ve missed and why my greif has been as it has.  Not that it would be less but it’s nice I know now im

connwcted with his friends and re connected with my sons family which are my family too.    So much more I can say but all that’s neasessary now.    

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