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I don't know what to do, or how to grieve


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I lost my father, who I was very close with, in December of 2017. Then lost my best friend to domestic violence in February 2018, then in June of 2018 my dog, who I had for 14 years and had watched be born, passed suddenly. Now my cousin, the closest person in my extended family to me, has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. I don't know what to do, or how to feel, or even how to grieve. I just feel numb. I'm emotionally gone. It's unfair to those around me. I don't know how to process that much loss in such a short time. 

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Nicole-my grief journey


You have my empathy. My condolences on the losses you have had. There is no right or wrong in grief. No exact way to go through all the steps. I’ve wished I could skip ahead because everyone says it takes time and it’s confusing and painful to experience multiple losses. Just know it takes time to process more than one loss and that it’s ok to feel how you do. Be kind to yourself. Write if you can, take walks and do things they would have wanted you to do. This is how we honor them and the love. By doing so, the grief will move through. Missing them and wishing they could physically be here never goes away, but we adapt. 

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