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narcissistic mum just suddenly died today aged 65! shook


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My mum just collapsed and died.. she was a narc.. wasn't very loving, i am shook though.. haven't cried yet as it has been drama with all the paramedics in and out cops, coroners etc... i haven't had time to process it yet tbh..

i don't have a support system (i come from a broken family) so no relatives who can comfort me. no friends as i do not get out much due to my health and i have currently have no partner.. so any help, any comments, advice or anything would be really appreciated thank you x


love to all going through this hell


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There are so many threads here that will at least let you know you're not alone.  The variety of experiences with a parent's death--from the pain of losing a parent to whom one was very close to the guilt of losing a parent from whom one was estranged--are all here on these pages.  No one can make the confusion/shock/regret/sorrow/whatever go away but it does help a little to read about what others are going through.  I wish you well.  

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