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Helpful advice

Glenna G

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I saw my internist today, and he asked me if the Prozac was keeping up with my depression. I said yes, most of the time. He asked if I had any thoughts of suicide and I told him no, I don't ever consider that, but there are times that I just don't care if I keep living, even though I have a daughter and a granddaughter who love and need me. He said, that's ok, that you can't stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair. I loved that!

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Except that I take a different anti-depressant, I could have written every word you did--right down to the daughter and granddaughter.

Thanks for posting what your internist said.  Mine is very understanding too.  He's been helpful in not saying platitudes or telling me to "get over it."

As I come up on 1 year, I'll take any little thing that helps the pain.

I'm sending you hugs of understanding and comfort.

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20 hours ago, Glenna G said:

you can't stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair.

Uplifting.  Thanks You!!  It was a phrase I had used with my clients yet totally forgot it.  Actually refreshing and wise in its simplicity.


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