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Son 23 girlfriend 25 murdered in a car in a small town


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my son and girlfriend were shot feb 19 and left in my boys car.... they have the killerso sad it was a friend....this was my other two kids friend.also.now dealing with this in a small town..trying to stay strong..(the boy is up for death row or 2 life sentences ...But..we have had our son already come to us in an orb we have opened our heart to him and it is helping us heal...it is one of the hardest things to do not bottle up anger...if you do not believe in orbs read beliefnet.com it will tell you..I have pictures of my sons orb then the club where they frequent he is there..they only show up where there is joy and healing...it is the only way to stay sane....dont know how I have looked into this ..I believe my son led the way....He was to grad this fall with a bach in nursing....lived fast ..liked fast cars motorcycles,,snowboarding always lived life to the fullest..

This boy came to our house ate at our table stayed the night...then has time went by got drug induced.....nowhere near the kid we knew he took the lives of our kids..meaning our son an his girlfriend...so hard to believe so not real........Over 2000 at his celebration service at the church he worshipped at...did not know my son touched so many lives...I am honored to be his mother.....

but trying to be strong...I need help and found this forum....this could help me I feel......and maybe help others.... I am looking for someone to converse with to help me in painfull times and the grieving process..I have 5 more children...3 step and 2 boy and girl still at home....this is quiet a process...this boy faces the death penalty.....now my kids must endure a trial unless he pleads to two life sentences...that is what I choose so my family will not suffer threw the agony of a court hearing..i choose to heal with my family not focus on the destructive behavior of this boy...his fate is sealed by another judge...although I must respect the rest of my families feelings ....we have a family meeting per week at the house usually just the 2 kids and me and my husband..express our feelings rumors,how we are moving on , what our son would like and the orb that joins in the house when there is joy....we want him near.....

have not felt the anger yet so consumed in healing my family.....

please help

the boy with the hat is the one who passed

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Dear Valerie

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your son and his sweet girlfriend. What a dreadful experience for you and the entire family I can hear the compassion and wisdom that have grown within you even as you walk thru this pain. I am so glad that the belief in the ORBs is enabling you and your family to experience some peace and compassion.

You have come to the right place for support and understanding I lost my only son Stephen 3 years ago and coming here and posting, reading and sharing Stephen's picture in the Gallery saved my sanity

I have seen your sons picture and he is very handsome young man.

Please keep coming back tell us more about your son and post an album in the Gallery It helps

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Valerie - The tragedy of losing a child under such circumstances is overwhelming. I am glad your orb, your son, is with you giving you a strength that allows you to be there for your family.

I hope with my heart that this young man pleads guilty so that your family will not have to endure the trial. Perhaps he might be able to commute his sentence to never be released.

Please come post with the loss of an adult. There are many there and we are a very active, supportive and nuturing 'family'.

May you find the strength to continue each day....Trudi.

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Dear Mustang65

Glad you have found us, but sorry you have to be here. My son was also killed by a friend, but it was not premeditated. My 16 year old son decided to climb on the hood of a car. His "friend" drove 68 mph with Brian on the hood, lost control and mowed-down 3 trees. Brian hit the ground and died within minutes. The scene is 1/4 mile from our home.

We went to all the hearings, the driver plead no contest and is now a convicted felon at 18. Everyone lost.

Your family sounds strong. If there is one thing I have learned through this journey it is "If your relationship was healthy and strong before this nightmare, you have a real chance at good recovery. If your relationships were on the rocks before this happened, the rocks become boulders and are very hard to overcome.

We talk on Loss of an Adult Child. Brian was not an adult, but I am accepted without question.

Join us

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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