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Dealing with graduating College and other accomplishments without parents there.


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I would love any advice or stories of personal experiences. I'm graduating from college next week.  My father passed away 4 years ago and my mom left when I was 2, I haven't been able to find her for the past 2 or 3 years. I'm really having trouble with the fact that I dont have anyone related to me or that has seen me grow up from a young age that I would like to tell about this accomplishment, I do have friends and people who care about me that I can tell but its not the same. I think another reason it's really hard for me is because I originally decided to go to college because I knew my dad would have wanted me to go. Anyone have similar feelings or experiences they can share?


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Dear Lucas,

First, congratulations on your graduation from college. I am so sorry, I know how much you wanted your dad to be there. I know friends are not the same as your dad, but its still important to have that support and celebrate with those closest to you.

I don't know if you want to carry a picture of your dad with you on that day. Or wear something special he had like his tie. 

I am older than you but I still feel like I need my dad every day since he passed. Wish so much he could be here.

I hope others will share some of their experience as well.

Hoping you go to your graduation and know that your dad is with you and looking over you.

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Hi Lucas, congrats to your graduation and good luck to your future endeavours.

Im sure your dad would be proud. This is one thing he has been hoping for and you've now achieved it. I am sure he knows you would have done it because you know you wanted it and of course he would not just have approved but be glad you made the choice and graduated!

That is the most important thing actually - that you know where you want to go and what you want to be, that he has raised a child who knows what he wants and needs and is willing to put in the efforts to achieve it. 

We will all find ourselves achieving something when our parents arent there someday. Sorry if this sounds patronizing. It's better than not achieving that something which our parents would have wanted us to, in our best interests

I know you would want your dad to be there. Having friends or relatives there is good but it's not quite the same. I find talking helps. Bring your degree or just go over to where your dad is and talk to him. Im sure he knows and can hear what you wish to tell him. Tell him this is for him and you know what you would want to do next, share your plans with him. He lives on with you, everywhere you go and in your heart.


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