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Last night, our dog got out. I was working my fiancee was home with our son. She calls says, "Jax got out." I rush home. On the way I get a call from an odd number. Upon answering I hear my fiancee in the background. Caller says, "theres been an accident." My mind goes is our son okay? I'm one minute away receiving this call. I get there and 2 people are pulling our dog from under their car. My son and fiancee watched him get struck. I grabbed him from them carrying him by his legs. I put him in the car rushed to 3, 24 hr vet offices and got no help. I stopped and pet him telling him to let go until he passed. I'm really messed up right now because for about a minute his eyes were rolled back and breathing was forced. He popped his eyes open, looked at me straight in my eye. I said baby boy just let go, rubbed his neck, he put his head down and literally let out his last breath. Just looking for some support and any advice to deal with the loss. Thank you in advance





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OMG, I know I've never met you or your dog, but I'm crying as I read this...I'm a huge dog lover, and thinking about what you all went through, especially him, wow...he looked to you for comfort and got it, I think giving him permission to let go was absolutely the best thing you could have done under the circumstances.  I wish there was something I could say to ease your pain but these are the situations when it seems we need to give it time to ease up a bit.  You will never forget him but I pray for comfort and peace for you and your wife and son.



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I'm so sorry for your loss. Our pets are truly family and when one meets a tragic end like this...it is all the more heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you and your family. 

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My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry this happened to you, your family and your sweet dog. Advice is; it will be very painful for a while. Be patient. I wish I could tell you something that will ease your heartache, there is nothing except time.  

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Very sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family all the best.


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