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Amazed that a TV show explained my different kind of loss to a T

Sue P 67

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I lost my love to cancer a little over 2 years ago...after only 4 short months together.  This site got me through some very hard times.   

I never felt I could explain how I felt losing the man I never got to make a ton of memories with, the man I started planning a future with but never got to fulfill, the man that I fell in love with so quickly...who had cancer when we met but it didn’t matter.  He was doing great & I never thought in a million years he wouldn’t beat the cancer.  

I DVR a few TV shows that I enjoy.  Greys Anatomy and Station 19-I never miss them.  These last 2 weeks, Station 19 has brought It all back.  If you don’t watch it, I won’t bore you with specifics but the just of the show was a young woman firefighter started dating the Chief of the Seattle Fire District.  It was a whirlwind romance...they fell in love....they talked about the future and just when they both realized that even though it was not allowed in the FD for them to be together that they belonged together.  He was going to accept her marriage proposal...he died.  It. Was. Awful.    The scene where he was dying...was a scene I lived.  Many words were the same.  I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life with him but he spent the rest of his life with me.  A gift.  I’ve cried for Scott these last 2 weeks & for the woman/character on this show because I know EXACTLY how she feels.

IT SUCKS!  Life is not fair.

I have moved forward and I am happy.  I’m in love with a wonderful man and will probably marry him one day.  I still and always will love Scott.  I know he is why I am now happy.  He gave me so many gifts.  Most importantly that life is too short so it’s ok to “leap, and the net shall appear”.   I’ve always been fortunate to land on the net.  



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Sue I am so glad to read that you found a new love. Just goes to show that their is life after a great loss. Good luck!

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I'm happy for you too.  I know it'll always feel somewhat bittersweet.  I wish I could have had that again but I bombed out twice and haven't dated in 9 years.  George was everything to me, exactly right for me, I haven't met anyone that had those qualifications.  We also got a short time together, 6 1/2 years we knew each other, 3 years 8 months we were married...it felt like we'd just put our lives together and all of a sudden it unraveled.  I'm sorry you didn't get longer.  I wish all of us could have had the 20-50 years!

Congratulations on your new love chapter, we can all use some hope and positivity!

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Thank you!

A loss like this changes how you view everything.  My new love, Dave, is perfect for me, he came into my life when I least expected it.  He helped me heal & is truly the man I see spending the rest of my life with.  Losing Scott makes me fear losing Dave.  That is the HARDEST part of letting my heart open again and so quickly.  His health isn’t the best, he had a heart attack 3-4 years ago & still has unhealthy habits, smokes, overweight, etc.  I just keep telling myself God wouldn’t allow me to go through that again.  I live today for today & try not to worry about tomorrow.  Not always easy.

im sorry you didn’t get more time with George.  :(


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