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A grieving friend


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I just wanted to say that I called my old neighbors brother who just recently lost wife.  I am so glad I called him, hes in his 80s and could hardly talk, hes devastated, married 45 yrs.  He was always a strong man,  says he cant eat, I mentioned ensures, etc.  which hes going to get. His daughter with him but he also started dialysis 3x a week so not so healthy.  I tried to explain alittle to him, the emotions, the pain, etc.  I will go to visit if he wants, and try to give him alittle support.  I just wanted to tell yous this as I mentioned in another topic that I was afraid to call him.  He needs someone who understands.  Love to all.

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What a wonderful, caring, brave thing you did.  It says a lot about what kind of person you are that you were able to gather the energy, both physical and emotional, to call and offer kindness and understanding to another grieving spouse.  I'm so glad you were able to reach out.  It sounds like you were able to offer comfort, as well as the realities of what to expect.

I hope it helped you as well.  

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@foreverhis Thankyou.  I just knew I had to call him, so glad I did.  Now I worry as his health is so fragile...I had met his wife afew times, but knew him better as he was at his brothers often.  He actually gave us a beautiful driftwood coffee table and a big picture of a springer spaniel after his brother died as he knew how close we were.  I did feel better, seems to be the little things I do for others, give me some purpose at this time.

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You have a huge loving heart.To be able to reach out and help someone at the same time as your grief says amazing things about your goodness
Love you

Sent from my LG-TP260 using Grieving.com mobile app

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JES I'm glad you reached out to him and I'm sure it helped him.  :wub2:


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