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Unbelievable, but I found relief


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Hello there, I am new to this site so I am unsure if this post is appropriate? I scrolled through many pages here and found that maybe relief can be a topic to be discussed? How did you find relief after loosing a loved one? Have you had PTSD or other symptoms that were concerning? How did you get over it? I have whitnessed some of the closest ppl in my life getting into a fatal accident and died before my eyes. Then I lost another family member, and no-one knows for sure to this date if they were naturally dying or not. After struggling and being in pain a lot it is almost like a miracle! A friend of mine told me about a woman that had the reputation to be able to carry me through and I found myself in a new state of mind. Grief is so heavy and I believe there is also a moment in life where we can express what helped us? Wouldn't you agree? Well, I still have flashbacks. But now I know how to handle them. Again, not sure if this is the right place to write about my experience. and if not, please forgive me. God bless. Christina

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Hi Christina,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Please know there is no right way or wrong way to grieve. We all have to do what is right for ourselves.



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