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A simple share


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In the beginning of my journey I shared things that I found worked specifically for me during those initial stages of my loss. I was aware of things that would not work for me but I even gave that an "open ready to receive anything" that would help me in my profound darkness and despair.  I often referenced my "helpers" as tools in my "grief toolbox."  

I occasionally still dip into it but I have found the tools that I now use daily such as journaling most supportive in my journey today.  We all find our "tools" and our "methods" of what works for us. 

In the beginning so much can be passed on to us that we may find ourselves overwhelmed with TMI (too much information). 

This morning a friend called.  A former colleague who still has her practice.  

I'm am forwarding this grief recovery information. Simply google :) 

The Grief Recovery Method


I am not endorsing it.  I am not suggesting it. I briefly scanned the site for a quick overview before posting this share. Even that wouldn't give me what I feel I would need to suggest it as a possible vehicle in working through grief.

It felt a little too much for me but I'm not beginning my journey.   Would I have considered it the first few months?  I don't know. 

The individuals involved that my colleague knows as a colleague and others as her clients she referred this method to are bringing back consistent positive feedback. 

So my "gut feel" was to share.

The Grief Recovery Method

As always I wish you light and love during this most challenging life shattering experience of losing someone you love. 








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