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Women's day thought


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The answer I am searching for...
Grew up without knowing him
Arranged marriage and all fine
Always been working
Always I am also earning
Traveled alone to different cities
Time never bothered me anyway..........
Arrived midnight in the airport and reached home happily 
moved to a different city to earn and help the family 
Had both beautiful and conflict years
Settled with all differences - accepted few, changed few, ignored others
I took decisions
I showed aggressions
One sad episode took him away from me
Leaving a permanent scar in me
One question all my family, friends & other well-wishers always ask me......
Are you fine to travel alone
How can you stay lone
Bombarded with questions - bachelor or family
The answer I myself don't know sadly
I did everything alone
Now I am again single, why am I doubting my capability all alone
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6 hours ago, Janaki said:

why am I doubting my capability all alone

I believe this is a very natural feel. We understand.

Grief travels are unique and different.  You will begin to see your strengths and your ability to no longer doubt your capacity to be alone.

warm thoughts are we you as you as you begin this healing process. . Be gentle with yourself. Know you can't bypass these excruciating painful and sad feelings. 

Reach out and receive support when it feels right just to you and for you!

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I've been alone 14 years, I know of nothing harder...yet I was alone before him and okay...losing him changed everything.


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