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How to save feral cat?

Walt Watson

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Last time I went to the nearby swamp to find a wild duck, and I accidentally saw a female feral cat and her group of young cubs. In such a cold and harsh environment, they are so pitiful. I tried to save them, but my friend dissuaded me not to act rashly without the right way to help.

When I brought cat food from home to feed them, but they are not in that place.

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Perhaps you can leave the cat food in the hopes they will find it?  I had a feral cat once I befriended...not easy to "rescue" as they are truly terrified to be caught and put inside a home.  They are indeed very wild.  You might ask around to see if there's anyone that works with them.  Sometimes people trap them, have them spayed/neutered, and then return them to where they found them, I have a neighbor who does that.  


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