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Unknown death /private investigator


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Hi guys. I am new here. I was found by a private investigator a couple of weeks ago. I was told my brother died alone in his flat in January 2018. Not only was it a shock. We never really got on. I hadn't seen him for 14 years. He wasn't a bad person. However I have no idea really wh the did in his spare time.He had mental problems like all of us and I feel guilty because I do feel I should have reached out to him more but I didn't I just got in with my life and abandoned him.

Having said that, I got help for my problems and I've had few relapses and he either didn't realize he had problems or was scared to get help. Unfortunately like the rest of my family he never seemed to find any peace  and happiness at all in his life. I had addictions and I think he probably spent a fair bit of time worrying about me as did my mother. 

Its hard because I never got a chance to say goodbye and  I never knew him really. It's like a picture without enough pieces. 

May he RIP





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