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At last I can move forward!


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Hello Everyone.

I want to share something with you that has changed my entire life: how I look upon Death, the Soul, and the entire Universe.

My daughter Nicole died on April 2, 2010 at age 26 of an RX drug overdose. She left behind a beautiful little boy, a Fiancee, a grieving family, and as you all well know (most from personal experience), a destroyed mother. I honestly did not know the human body was capable of crying for HOURS every day for months on end, but it is. My eyes actually got infected from crying so much, and my blood sugar spiraled out of control because I could not remember to take my medication. I often spent the entire day in bed and seldom went out. Most of all, I loathed the platitudes mindless people would say out of ignorance, attempted kindness, or whatever their reasons were. Ugh. What a mess.

Nicole has not been in her Urn yet a year and yesterday would have been her 27th birthday. Never in my widest dreams, hopes and wishes did I think I could get through that day without being devastated and made useless by grief. But I did.

I not only got through it without tears, but I prepared a nice dinner for my husband and myself that Nicole would have loved, got her a beautiful wreath of Jasmine for her Sacred Space in our home, and laughed my butt off at the stupidity of America's Funniest Videos.

You are probably wondering what the Hell I smoked, huh? I would have wondered that myself had it not been for a life-changing event that took place last month on January 5, 2011. What could have occurred that was so profound that it could give a very strong-willed and driven woman the Peace, Love and Understanding that even she, with all her attitude, strength and determination, could not even begin to start, much less achieve? What was so powerful that it could change a person's entire life and outlook in the space of a few hours?

I will share with you what took place in my life, for it is surely worth sharing.

Many years ago my mom gave me a book called Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton, PHD. Dr. Newton was a regular kinda shrink and hypnotherapist that used hypnosis to help heal his patients. One day he somehow regressed a patient into the life that we live BETWEEN our lives and the information she revealed to him puzzled the daylights out of him. He was not aiming at this and actually thought it might be a bunch of baloney. But it intrigued him so much that he began to try to do it with other clients, and ultimately developed the first somewhat scientific approach to regressing people to the Spirit World.

What amazed Dr. Newton was the consistency of what his clients told him. They were from all walks of life, all races, all sexes, all religions, and all backgrounds. But the stories they told while under deep hypnosis were so remarkably similar and consistent that he knew they were telling the truth about what they saw.

Dr. Newton also wrote several other best-sellers, including Destiny of Souls, the sequel to Journey of Souls. After Nicole died, I got his 3rd book, Memories of the Afterlife. After reading it, I decided I simply had to know several truths about my current life: why my daughter died, who my soul group is, who I was in a past life, and why I chose my current body riddled with illness, breakage, and absolute suffering, both physical, mental and emotional. I wanted to know if I really did have a "Spirt Guide" and if so, was this entity the one that had been guiding me my entire life and actually saved my life on several occasions?

So I decided to try to find Dr. Newton as he lives in California, where I live. I was at first dismayed to find that he no longer practices, but was overjoyed to also discover he started The Newton Institute, where he consults with other therapists and trains them explicitly in his methods of hypnotherapy and regression.

I was amazed to discover that people from all over the world seek out therapists from his training and travel thousands of miles for a mere 6 hour session!

So, I went to his website http://www.spiritualregression.org/ and looked up someone close to me. Scott Fitzgerald de Tamble was not the first person I chose. But after choosing another, that little voice came to me yet again and told me that a different person was on my path, and I ultimately chose Scott. Lucky for me, he was less than 2 hours north of us!

So...on January Fifth of the Year Two Thousand and Eleven I began the journey that was to change my entire life.

I found out more than I can possibly tell on this website. I am generally an articulate and decent writer, but for this experience my words fail me utterly for there are none to describe the places I traveled to, the people I saw, and the answers that were finally revealed to me after 47 years on this Earth.

I saw my beautiful daughter, found out why she left, found out why I suffer so much, discovered who my soul group members are, who my Master Teacher is, who I was in a past life, and so much more I cannot say. I found out my soul age, my purpose in this world, and how easy it would be for me to simply move forward in joy and happiness in my tormented life.

Sounds like a lot to swallow, huh? Both my husband and I (he was allowed to attend!) were actually pretty skeptical as we drove there. But that's good because it made us more objective. Still, I look back at our skepticism and laugh now!

Can SIX HOURS change the course of a person's life forever? Can a quarter of a day actually halt in it's very tracks much of the destructive aspects of complex and overwhelming grief? I don't know about everyone else. But for me the answer is a resounding YES!!!!

Since the day of the session I have cried once a few days ago at a song I listened to. But it was different. Just a wistful and sweetly sad bit of tears because I miss her Earthly presence and always will. But it lasted less than 5 minutes and I was fine after that. The most amazing thing is that I STILL GRIVE but in an extremely different way. If I want to cry, I will cry. If I want to yell, I will yell. If I want to stay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself I will do JUST THAT.

But the difference is that I DON'T want to do those things anymore!!! They just stopped for me.

The after affects of my Life Between Lives session just keep on giving. I was told by my Council of Elders how to improve my health and energy and it is working. I can contact Nicole any time I wish and we are actually closer than when she was on Earth. The doors of the pathway to the Spirit World have been flung wide open, and I can go there now with much greater ease. I always did use meditation, but now I can take it to all new heights.

My therapist emailed me a lovely set of CD's about 3 weeks after the session, and as I listened to them I was just floored at the things I revealed.

Reading the books did not ruin the experience in any way; my session was different than many of the cases profiled. I was worried that reading it might influence me in some way to "copy" or "repeat" what I had read, but I had nothing to worry about. Haha. I am my own unique person, and had my own unique experience.

I was very impressed when Scott told me I was one of the easiest clients he has ever worked with. I was so worried I could not be "hypnotized" or "go under" or anything like that. The reality of hypnosis is so much different than the imagined stuff we see on tv and talk shows!

This session cost $420 dollars. Truthfully, if I had a million dollars and that is what it cost, I would have paid it. No price would have been too high for the payoff I received. And no...nobody from the Newton Institute, even Scott himself knows I wrote this and I'm not getting a discounted session or anything. LOL I share it because it is too precious to me not to share and because it has brought me the joy that I never thought I would feel again towards life. I am back to my jewelry design, shopping with my best friend, and most of all planning for our retirement and travel in a few years and actually looking forward to life for the first time in many years.

So. Here I am today. Actually washed, dressed and with a clean house. Thinking about starting to ride my horse again when a ligament injury heals up. I am smiling as I write and recall this experience. Yes, I will still have chronic pain, and my child is still physically gone from me. I will continue to loose people I love in this world. But now I know where to TRULY find them whenever I wish!!

Peace and MANY HAPPY TRAILS to you all!~



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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm too familiar with the place you were in. I have their site opened now and look forward to looking through everything. Since many on the adult child board don't check the main one out too often I have to let them know to read this, I'm sure they'll appreciate it as much as I have. Thank you again.

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Dear Schery

Thank you so much for your uplifting message and new tool to be considered as I walk down this sometimes still very dark road. I can hear how very beneficial this was for you and am so happy that it has helped. Please keep coming back and being part of out Indigo famiy.

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