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Hello everyone.  I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been so helpful and supportive over the past several weeks.

I have decided to stop posting for the most part, but will come read from time to time.  The thread that keeps being referenced was one where I and another member had veered off onto personal memories.  The topic had been how our spouses knew us better than anyone else, so I didn't think it was a problem.  Unfortunately, another member became very angry, which resulted in a little back and forth.  I admit I got a tad snippy in one post, but I did apologize for it.  It didn't seem like threadjacking to me, but we each have our own threshold for that.  I've always kind of figured that, unless a post is insulting, personally mean, etc., then I can just skip past it if it doesn't interest me.  Other members do not feel the same way, which is of course fine.

I'm sad to see that other members now seem to have been affected by what was one small kerfuffle.  I cry enough as it is.  I don't care to come here and find myself upset over everyone else's upset.  It would never be my intention to be disruptive or anger other members.  This forum had been a place to come talk to people who might understand what's happening with my life.

In any case, I do appreciate the advice and comfort that I have received.  I wish we may all find whatever measure of peace and comfort that we can as we walk this painful, unwelcome journey.

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You have shared and touched lives here in a way that you may not be aware of. I just read through that thread that you referenced and found nothing inappropriate in it. Nothing at all.

Beyond that I am not aware of any other part of why you would feel that you had to take leave of the community here. 

Please reconsider leaving the forums. Your contributions have touched so many hearts here in a positive and comforting way.

Anyone who sees the situation as otherwise is just petty and not worth worrying about, much less being a reason to leave a group that has been a source of comfort to you. 

You are needed here and I hope you stick around.

Lily Bell

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I also ask you to please reconsider leaving the forums.  Your posts are warm and wonderful, and have been a positive for me and many others.  I am very sad to think that things I have done have added to your grief.  None of this was in any way your fault.  I too hope you stay,


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Im sorry you feel the need to refrain from posting.  Please do not leave.  I have not read the thread that was apparently an issue.  Or if I have, I obviously didn’t notice a problem.  You are early in your grief.  You need to be here.  This forum has become another avenue for me to make sense of the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me.  I assume it is the same for you.  You helped make this forum a community of kind and insightful friends.  Please know we consider you our friend.

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