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Forum Conduct & Guidelines Document ×



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  • Moderators

Hello all,

I wanted to drop a line to the people on this sub-forum specifically about my new position as a moderator.  I have received a few words of encouragement on it, and would like to thank everyone for the thoughts.  I plan to continue posting and responding to posts here, although it will probably be less frequently.  This forum has been an important part of my grief journey, and when I volunteered to become a moderator, one of the key considerations was that I wanted to be able to continue to post here freely.

If I need to act as a moderator here, I will make it clear that I am speaking as a representative of the site.  Likewise, my "normal" postings shouldn't be construed as representative of the grieving.com staff, team, or organization.  I hope that in my new role I will be able to help this wonderful community that has helped me so much over the past two years.  Wishing you all peace and comfort, and always available to you and everyone on the site if you need any help,



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