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Daddys girl


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I dont know where to start. It's been 195 days since I lost my hero, my father.  I'm 24 years old and he had been sick since 2001. He wasn't supposed to live to see 2002. But he did. He fought hard through all the illnesses. Always kept his spirit up. Even when the illnesses started to take away his abilities,  he was in a fight between what he wanted to do and what his body would allow. It got worse these past five years, I had to start being his caregiver. No child should have to bath and clean up after their parent. But I did with out hesitation. Because he was my daddy, he was my world, always had been. My life revolved around him and his care. I watched this prideful strong man who I thought was invincible slowly crumble into a shell of a man. But I didn't think he'd give up. And he didn't.  For way longer then he should have. And then it happened, just like that. I went to bed one night and didn't tell him I loved him because I got side tracked. And in the morning he was gone. Cold, stiff, still under the covers. And I honestly dont know how to function right now. It hurts so badly.

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Dear Lostinthedark,

I am so sorry for your devastating loss. I know the pain and sorrow is deep.

You loved your dad so much and tried so hard for him. Took care of him and kept him going, doing your very best for him. They say grief is the price we pay for love. And because you loved your dad so much, its going to be hard for a long time. Have to keep taking it moment by moment and day by day. I found the first year and half the hardest.

Try to surround yourself with loving friends and family. And if you want to try to get extra support through grief counselling or joining a support group in the community or through church. Please know we are with you as well.

There is also lots of support at these websites as well.

Grief in Common

What's Your Grief

 Grief Healing Blog

Aging Care (lots of children who took care of their parents and dealing with grief)

Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.

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I am truly sad for your loss. You are right, a child shouldn’t have to go through the loss of a parent. I send you a link to an article that has some steps to help us cope with grief. Hopefully it will help you. Take much care...          https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no3-2018-nov-dec/coping-with-grief-do-today/

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