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My cat loss

Lara Beltrame

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Lara Beltrame

I lost my cat yesterday. Her name was Gegè. She was my friend and my peace for 15 years. I lost my brother 5 years ago and she really was my  peace. She died suddenly and I was not prepared. I told her  goodbye the day before. I can not breathe. I can not stand this grief. She was not that old. She is not with me anymore and I Miss her so Much. I can not stop crying. I loved her and she loved me and now I am alone. Life is nonsense to me.

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@Lara Beltrame,

i am so sorry for you and your wonderful Gegè.  After my wife passed I took care of our cat Pokey, and when Pokey passed 9 months later it sparked many emotions of deep grief.  It is awful when our pets pass, particularly when they are young and it comes suddenly.  I hope you find some comfort here among people who listen and understand.  Wishing you peace and compassion today,


P.S. You may find more support in the Loss of a Pet section of the forums.  I can move this thread there for you as well if you want, but that is completely up to you.

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Lara Beltrame

Thanks for tour reply. 

And I really  appreciate If you move my post to the right section of the forum. 


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