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Returning to work...


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My mom’s funeral service was this past weekend. I want to thank you all for taking the time to read what I had to say and to give me suggestions on my eulogy. Our friends and family members said my sister’s eulogy and my own were ones that truly showcased what a wonderful person my mom was. I am still struggling a lot, but having the support from you all has been a tremendous help. Thank you so much.


Also, wish me luck, I am going back to work tomorrow as my maternity leave is over. Anyone else have a similar experience? I am feeling so depressed to now leave my son. My mom was going to babysit him and now all I can think about is staying home with him and how mom’s passing has left a huge hole in my life in so many ways. I miss her so much and still have trouble believing she’s really gone. Thanks again for reading. 

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Dear KNP,

It is hard to return to work after such a devastating loss and leaving your sweet baby at home. I hope things can go as well as it can. Just keep taking it moment by moment, day by day.

Take care and please keep us posted.

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