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Death of Mother at 22


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My Mom died in August at a hospice. She suffered terribly. I helped care for with my Dad. I was 22, since turned 23, and have never met anybody around my age who has experienced a mother dying. I have nobody that understands. I have so many frustrations that I can’t express because I have nobody who has been through anything similar. What’s the best way to deal with this? It’s lonely being surrounded by people with both parents 

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Nicole-my grief journey


I am slightly older than you, but I don’t have other friends that know what it feels like to lose their moms. Our centers and anchors have been taken from us and it’s hard to find footing after losing them. My heart goes out to you. It’s so painful and doing things like memorializing her will help. Also, expressing your feelings here where we understand. It feels like every cell in my body is screaming at times and I yearn for my mother. I think because I’ve made myself talk about it and take action I’m doing better these 5months later. It has helped me to do the things her and I did together and  things we were going to do together. I kind of put myself aside to take care of my dad, as I was so worried about him and I’ve realized I have to take care if myself first. I thought for all these months he wouldn’t be ok and get back on his feet, but he has for the most part. Therapy has helped me and crying and feeling my feelings has helped too. It’s tough when others expect that I should already being doing what they consider better. They don’t understand and have unrealistic expectations because they haven’t gone through it. I tell them it’s ok for me to be where I’m at in my grief process and that I’m exactly how I’m supposed to be. I’ve lessend my time with people who can’t help me sit with my grief. The grief doesn’t go away, but it transforms with time and it won’t always be so raw. Sending you so much love and thoughts of peace and hope in your heart. 

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