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Something to think about for the Holidays


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I have a tradition I started with my grandkids several years ago. I always buy them each a different ornament for the tree each Christmas. This year while I was looking for their new ornaments I found one for me and I am going to try my best to remember this every day and especially during the Holidays.

It has been almost 10 months and I still have some really bad days where nothing seems to go right and then every now and then I have a good day where things don't hurt so much. I know that I am going to have a very hard time over the next 3 months, December/Christmas, January/His birthday, and February/1 year gone. Billy always told me I was a very strong and stubborn woman so I am going to try and live up to his faith in me, but when I stumble as I know I will do. I am thankful I have this place to come and be able to pour out my fears and have someone say that it is okay and we understand.



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I love that and would buy one if I knew where to!  

I have my tree up and George's ornaments on it and his stocking hung...he loved Christmas and each and every holiday and season, so I commemorate him and invite him to join me here while I watch the sappy Hallmark Christmas movies.  I know their happily ever after endings don't always tell the whole story, but we all get enough reality, and besides, George's and my life WAS like a Hallmark movie, with happily ever after in it until the day he died, but we'll be together again so the "ending" has not yet born out.

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I love it too KatB.  One of Christine's sisters had several of these made for the key family and friends last Christmas.  I leave it up year round, usually on the inside of the door knob in my room, but it has a special spot on the tree when it is time to decorate.


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I love that, Herc!

Kat, I ended up making one for everyone in my group, I printed it out on sticker paper and then put a strip across a yellow foam angel that I die cut and tied a gold cord at the top.  It turned out pretty well!

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@KayC   Putting that on an angel shape was a good idea and it was sweet of you to do that for your group.

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