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miss my father


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he was my grandfather he past away in 2016 he was the most important person in my life he is not my my biological father but he was the greatest most amazing person i ever known he raise  me and sacrificed so much we together made it through the most difficult of times and he was the most selfless person on thanksgiving all i could think about was him and my heart is just so broken right now

i never know what to do or what to say at times like this and it's hard to even talk about iv been trying to heal but i feel like i'm making very little progress and im having panic attacks its even gotten to the point that i had to go to a doctor. i'm usually the person that can handle anything but this i can't do alone my biggest obstacle is even opening up and im trying my best also my friends have been distant many have cut me off so that just adds to my pain 


thanks for reading. 


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Hi Jeremy,

Im so sorry about your grandfather, and I am sorry that you are so broken hearted right now. My mom just passed away a month ago, and I totally feel you on how hard the holidays are. Just before I read your post, I was balling my eyes out because I miss her so much. 

You sound like you also had an amazing bond with your grandfather. Have you considered talking to a bereavement counselor? Some companies also provide free counseling sessions through their employee assistance program. 

As for your friends, I can also get where you’re coming from. My two best friends don’t even talk about my mom or ask how I’m doing, but they do ask me to hang out a lot more now. I think they are fearful of making me sad and they also don’t know what to say. But I’ve realized...what do I want them to say? all I want is to know they care, and I can tell they do. Talk to your friends and let them know how you feel. Your true friends will be there for you. Also, don’t blame yourself for not being able to “handle” this. This is not a situation that anyone can handle with ease. You are human and the reason why this is so hard is because you love our grandpa so much.

I’m sorry I can’t ease your pain, but I just wanted to say that I can relate and I hope you’ll be able to unload some of your grief as I know it can often be overwhelming. You take care.






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